
Who this retreat is for

🟣 Who dreamed of coming to Bali and diving into the magic of the island.

🟣 To undergo a "spiritual reset" and find yourself in a whole new atmosphere.

🟣 To step away from the daily grind and move towards understanding the physical and psychological capabilities of the body through the practices of yoga and meditation.

🟣 To pause in life, to rethink and look at it from the outside, from a detached perspective.

This retreat is all about expansion, breakthroughs and the push to realize your deepest and boldest dreams.

What's in store for us at the yoga retreat

🟠 Working with energies and with intention through hatha yoga mat practices and meditations.

🟠 Cleansing, clarity of mind and soul from unnecessary and interfering things through breathing practices.

🟠 Deep work with the body. Awakening of the senses through special body practices.

🟠 Unlocking the body's hidden reserves, improving metabolism, rejuvenation with special practices.

🟠 Tools with which you can create your state, energy around again and again.

🟠 The "happiness is there and it's in my hands" effect.

🟠 Freedom, lightness from the old weight of attitudes, a magical state.

Retreat Videos

Video Playlist
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Retreat program "Sound! Shine!"

✅ Filling with positive energy morning practices and meditations with me, hatha yoga teacher, certified by the International Yoga Alliance, as well as the hostess of this magical space and author of the retreat "Sound. Manifest."
Мы поработаем над раскрытием 7 чакр. А также готовьтесь к Сурье Намаскар 108 🔥.

✅ Colorful, emotionally vibrant goodness and healing Balinese cleansing ceremonies such as
-The opening ceremony of the retreat.
-Ride with ablution at the waterfall.
- Water purification ceremony

✅ "Breath Alchemy" - deep work with the subconscious mind. Transformational practice based on conscious breathing.
Основана на ребефинге от легендарного мастера Натали Лерy.

✅ Master class, working through patterns through Free Dance, where we will dive into the depths of our relationships and trace communication patterns and degrees of manifestation in society.

✅ A master class where everyone will draw their own sacral key according to the laws of Sacred Geometry.

✅ Practicing tantra. Unpacking the shadow and unlocking sexuality.

✅ Волшебная Церемония наполнения сердца через музыку и сакральное какао.

✅ Crystal Singing Bowls meditation with tea ceremony.

✅ Watsu/Water Bodywork is an extraordinary tool and the perfect complement to emotional healing work. A practice for release, trust, support, trauma healing.

What you'll get after the retreat

🟢 Gain muscle tone and a tighter body.

🟢 Become more aware of and listen to yourself.

🟢 Learn new techniques to bring yourself out of anxiety.

🟢 Find the right life path vector and confidence from the state of "I am the creator of my life".

🟢 Learn how to fill with new energy for breakthroughs, for action.

🟢 Soak up the magical energy of Bali and reduce your stress levels.

🟢 Learn to slow down and live in the moment.


Water purification ceremony

The 7 Chakras Workshop

Rest of mind and body


Learn more

Анкета участника йога ретрита "7 ключей состояния"
Совсем скоро мы встретимся с вами на йога ретрите «7 ключей состояния».

А перед нашей встречей я хочу познакомиться с вами поближе, чтобы ретрит прошел еще качественнее и интереснее!

Поэтому прошу заполнить эту небольшую анкету.

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