Yoga for women

Yoga was originally a male-only endeavor, in which a feminine trend later found a place. The wise believed that women needed to take better care of their bodies because they were responsible for the continuation of the species.

The goddess Parvati, who begged Shiva to teach her this sacrament, is believed to be the first woman to comprehend yoga.
Today yoga is practiced by thousands of women all over the world. There are already special women's yoga courses in all major cities of Bali.

The aim of such courses is to develop flexibility of a woman's body and teach graceful movements. In psychological terms, such yoga helps to calm down and come to a mental balance, to prepare for pregnancy and childbirth, as well as to cope with stress and psychological strain.
A course of women's yoga involves gentle exercises and is aimed at improving your appearance, strengthening your abs and giving you confidence in your own movements. Regular training eliminates the need for additional stimulation such as coffee, cigarettes and even antidepressants. The effects of all of the above can be successfully replaced by yoga classes. The topic of chakras as energy centers of the body has a special place in yoga and, in particular, in women's yoga.

There are 7 main chakras: muladhara, svadhisthana, manipura, anahata, vishudha, ajna, sahasrara.
Of all these, the two chakras of greatest value to women are muladhara and svadhisthana. The first is responsible for survival instinct, protection and nourishment. The second regulates sexual life, creative processes and the sense of pleasure. Disturbances in the functioning of these two chakras lead to both mental and physical problems. For example, if the first chakra is weak, a woman may have problems with her bones and joints. If the second chakra is weak, she may have problems with childbearing and creativity.
The well-adjusted work of the first two chakras automatically supports the work of the others. Prolonged yoga practice gives a feeling of harmony of body and soul, balances the mental state, gradually eliminates stress and negative emotions.

And yet there are several contraindications for such practice. These are spinal injuries, congenital heart defects, epilepsy, hypertension, cholelithiasis, and taking psychotropic drugs. It is better to come to classes in loose clothing made of natural materials and have a change of shoes with you. Three hours before the practice it is necessary to have a snack, and just before the class it is recommended to remove watches and jewelry.

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