Effective yoga diet: nuances and useful recommendations

The yoga diet is suitable for everyone without exception. If you do not practice yoga itself, it will help you in a complex to lose extra pounds. Also this diet helps to consolidate the previously obtained result from yoga classes.

Following the rules below, even without any cardinal restrictions, you can improve your health, increase the efficiency of the body. After all, the modern world requires more and more activity and dedication to achieve the desired result.

And, accordingly, the number of calories needed for the normal functioning of all the systems of our body increases.

The underlying causes of most diseases are specifically related to poor diet and poor nutritional discipline.

Such a yoga diet for weight loss is based on centuries of experience of the followers of this culture. The principles and rules have been nurtured for centuries, and it is no secret that the followers of yoga live quite long and very rarely get sick. It was they who founded several basic precepts of proper nutrition of the yoga diet:

- The first one is that no food should be consumed after 18 hours;

- The second - for the duration of the diet to completely abandon idle foods, such as alcohol, chocolate, various sweets;

- The third is to clearly follow the principles of the diet, and after its completion do not give yourself slack and become a hungry “wolf” eating everything around you in large quantities, as if you live the last day.

Main points of yoga diet

Proponents of yoga claim that when chewed thoroughly, even very coarse foods are digested quite easily.

While on the yogic diet, you should eat only when you feel hungry, and you should never eat when you are stressed or tired. It is necessary to calm down and relax before eating.

The daily diet should contain at least 50% vegetables, greens and fruits.

It is required to drink at least 2 liters of water.

The maximum salt intake per day should not exceed 3 grams.

You should avoid eating fried food, it is very difficult for the body to digest, irritating the entire digestive system.

This type of diet is ideal for those who practice yoga, but if you have no desire to learn this culture, you can attend relaxing massage sessions. It also helps to increase the activity of the body, relieves fatigue and gives an additional burst of energy, which you can spend on burning excess weight.

In any case, being on a yoga diet will give your body a boost and help you get rid of excess weight very quickly.

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