Yoga principles-spiritual component

If you have chosen Yoga as your path, I want to tell you about the basic precepts of Yoga.


The Yama is the first step in the journey through
that any yogi goes through in search of harmony with himself and the outside world.

Yama-vows in relation to the world Outside.

Yama includes the following principles by which yogis live.

  • The first principle of Ahimsa is non-violence.

The basis of the practice of the spirit, Ahimsa, is very similar to the Hippocratic Oath: “do no harm” in word, deed, or thought to yourself and everything around you. To observe this rule, we must always realize what our words and actions can lead to: development or destruction. It is believed that he who does not follow this rule increases the suffering of our world.

  • Satya is truthfulness.

It's a rule about absolute sincerity in words, in thought, and in deeds.
Satya also teaches us to take things as they are.

  • Astey's third principle - teaches that we should not covet other people's possessions, be that we should not covet other people's possessions, be they things, or merit.
  • The fourth principle of Brahmacharya is freedom from the sensual temptations of our body and other weaknesses.

It involves not just refraining from sex outside marriage, but also controlling thoughts and speech. This principle is one of the most important for the practice of yoga, which requires a lot of energy.

  • The Fifth Principle of Aparigraha - teaches us to “not cling to things,” to give up hoarding, greed, to get away from the desire for personal enrichment, and indifference to gifts.

The precepts of Yama prepare us for conscious living and strengthen our will. After all, yogic practice can show not only our positive sides but also our negative sides, especially in the beginning. We must be prepared for this encounter so that we do not go astray. As an example, a person who has reached what he thinks is “enlightenment” suddenly begins to put himself above others.

Or during a period when someone has learned a difficult asana - and is bragging in class to those who don't yet know how to do it.

The precepts of Yama prepare us for conscious living and strengthen our will. After all, yogic practice can show not only our positive sides but also our negative sides, especially in the beginning. We must be prepared for this encounter so that we do not go astray. As an example, a person who has reached what he thinks is “enlightenment” suddenly begins to put himself above others.

Yoga is full of temptations and tests of pride and true morality and inner intelligence.

Therefore, it is important to dedicate each practice to YOURSELF and work only on YOURSELF.

And adhering to the yogi's code of honor is already the right path on the map, where the ultimate goal is YOU.

The Yogi Honor Code is the red line by which I lead yoga practices at my retreats.

After all, it is not the beautiful pose that matters, but our beautiful inner world.

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