Basic rules of yoga nutrition


A yogi's diet is based on three principles:

Ahimsa is the principle of non-violence.

The main idea of Ahimsa is that all living beings on the planet are connected and we should not harm anyone, thus keeping the balance in the world.

That's why many practitioners don't eat meat, fish or dairy products - they live on vegan food.

It is only out of this motivation that a yogi does not eat meat, not because he wants to lose weight, or because it is fashionable.

Sattva is the principle of the state of equanimity and tranquility.

Many yogis choose sattvic foods because they quiet the heart and give clarity of mind. And these are fruits and vegetables, legumes, herbs and spices. These foods are endowed with the right vitamins and elements.

Shaucha is the principle of cleanliness and neatness.

To achieve Shauchi, yogis give up chemicals, flavor enhancers and alcohol.

And so, a yogi's diet consists of vegetables, fruits and dried fruits, herbs, nuts, grains, legumes.

One of the most important things is to make sure your food has as much energy as possible, is easy to prepare and stays healthy. And that's no baked and fried foods.

Nuts, greens, legumes are great sources of protein.

And fats are found in seeds, nuts, avocados. Carbohydrates can be in the form of rice, honey, dried fruits.

Yogis eat 2-3 times a day, in small portions, with the last meal 2 hours before bedtime, and eat breakfast only after yoga practice.

Meals can be at regular intervals. Ideally, it should be 5 hours. It is better to eat in small portions, having time to assimilate it by the body.

It's important to listen to your body, to feel what it needs right now, and not follow the call of trends.

The principle of Ahimsa is to do no harm, after all, it is first and foremost about yourself. Healthy eating is an act of self-love.


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