

Yoga teacher and author of “7 Keys of Condition!” yoga retreat in Bali. Owner of Sattva retreat villas.



Yoga teacher and author of “7 Keys of Condition!” yoga retreat in Bali. Owner of Sattva retreat villas.

My name is Aygana and I am an RYT 200 International Alliance certified hatha yoga teacher, leading transformational yoga retreats at my prostatan called Sattva Retreat Villas.

I have undergone a powerful transformation in almost all areas of my life. As a woman - what more can I do, what roles can I play? What can I give to the world? What will I be useful for? I spent a whole year, while still living in Spain, reading books about women. And I decided to start my professional activity as a yoga teacher. And now I'm in Bali. And my mental transformation continues

Kazakhs have a saying - “Әйел қырық шырақты”. There are 40 candles in a woman's destiny. And if one is extinguished, the next one will be lit.

I am convinced of the subtlety of these words by my own example. A woman is about creation, about the sprouts of life. She goes and sows, if she is wise and has inner feminine power. Woman is fragile, delicate, but she is very strong and magical.
At the age of 46, I came out of the backstage and stood in the center of the hall. And I want my candle to be lit. It is time to create, to create for the world.

I want to knock on the doors of your hearts and offer you a gift-let's do Yoga!

* Yoga put me on the path to truth about myself.

* Yoga has made my body beautiful and strong.

* Yoga gave me a dream - it was shorter, but much better, deeper.

* Yoga has imposed peace and wisdom on my facial features.

* Yoga finally got rid of my lower back pain (I was suffering from kidney prolapse).

* Yoga has taught me to take all the ups and downs with a straight and proud posture.

* But the most precious gift from yoga is the transformation of me as a soul.
The time has come when I am ready to share these gifts with you.

I invite everyone into the world of Yoga, with the belief that you will love it as I have loved it. That is my mission.

Bring your inner child with you. With its curiosity, with its desire to touch, feel and live everything. Be honest and open to everything new, unfamiliar - to the miracle.



If you are unable to find the type of vacation you want on our website, please contact us and we will help arrange a customized trip for you.

Анкета участника йога ретрита "7 ключей состояния"
Совсем скоро мы встретимся с вами на йога ретрите «7 ключей состояния».

А перед нашей встречей я хочу познакомиться с вами поближе, чтобы ретрит прошел еще качественнее и интереснее!

Поэтому прошу заполнить эту небольшую анкету.

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