
Hot offer

5-day retreat

Special Package for 2 persons

The price is only $1200 for 2 persons


Airport transfers,
basic room for 2 people, continental breakfast,
and practices.

Day 1:

- Soul purification (water blessing) for 60 minutes by Yan Win:

This is an ancient Balinese water purification ritual called “Melukat”. In Bali, it is believed that no activity on the island should begin without it.
The illuminated water from the temple will cleanse the body and mind, opening the way to a spiritual journey to Bali and to yourself.

- 1-hour sauna
- Balinese classic full-body massage for 1 hour

Day 2:

- Kundalini Yoga by Wayan

Kundalini Yoga helps to increase vitality, develop inner awareness and shift blocked energy zones. Each class includes a brief introduction, kriya postures, breath work, mantra chanting, mudras, and relaxation and meditation.

- Breakfast

Day 3:

- Hatha yoga
- Breakfast
- Healing meditation “7 chakras” with 7 Tibetan bowls. Duration 60 min. From Master Wayan:

This meditation is designed to help you balance your inner energy. Using sound to resonate and stimulate energy in the 7 major energy centers, you will feel lighter, calmer and more balanced after practice.

Day 4:

- Yin Yoga with Sound Healing for 60 minutes
- Yin yoga involves passive postures for long periods of time to release physical tension and unblock stagnant energy. Sound healing complements this practice by triggering the parasympathetic nervous system, reducing stress and promoting peace and tranquility.
- Breakfast

Day 5:

- Hatha yoga class
- Breakfast
- Crystal Healing with Sound Vibration for 60 Minutes by Wayan:

This practice involves using gemstones or crystals and tailored placement to balance and harmonize the body's energy centers. The addition of a Tibetan singing bowl enhances the energy flow and brings calmness to the mind.

Анкета участника йога ретрита "7 ключей состояния"
Совсем скоро мы встретимся с вами на йога ретрите «7 ключей состояния».

А перед нашей встречей я хочу познакомиться с вами поближе, чтобы ретрит прошел еще качественнее и интереснее!

Поэтому прошу заполнить эту небольшую анкету.

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