7 Keys of Condition!


Immediately after your retreat and traveling in Bali, I was full of inspiration and energy. My psychologist, with whom I shared my impressions, was amazed at all the realizations and feelings I experienced at the retreat. After all, we have been working with her for a year now and what came in 9 days with you had not penetrated to me.
In general, your retreat for me was not about a magic pill for instant transformation or getting rid of the depression I was experiencing at that moment, rather it was about a journey to myself. It was about hearing and feeling my essence, diving into the depths of my soul, hearing that inner cry of my soul and finding the path to healing.
Each day and each practice opened up new realizations that continued to unfold even after the retreat was over. Sometimes it was very painful. But for me there is no turning back now, and day by day I am building new programs.
I sincerely thank you, Aygana! 🙏🪷 Your retreat helped me discover my inner compass, with which I am now confidently moving forward. 😊

Tatjana, Germany

Good morning everyone ❤️
I am so excited to share my thoughts and my changes since the Retreat!
Just yesterday at dinner with my husband talking about lilu, I reread to him the notes I took during the game and we both realized the transformation that happened to me 🙏

Diana, restaurateur in Tashkent

Dear Aigana!
Since I have been back, I have recommended your retreat to so many friends. From the heart 🤍 I took away with me many discoveries that I didn't even expect.
For me, this trip was originally meant to be a “distraction” from routine and everyday life, as well as an “extinguishing” of outside noise. And 100% it worked, but that's not even half of the value of this trip.
In all my 35 years I have never reflected, analyzed and listened to myself as much as I did in these 9 days. It was a lot of work, but the kind of work that does not make you tired, but energized in the moment.

Natalia, Co-founder BaqBaqbureau

Video still in Bali, in a state of immense gratitude to all the contributing people and circumstances that brought me here.
Arriving with no expectations, in burnout and losing my focus, I gained an understanding of what goodness a person can actually be in. Therefore, I can confidently call it a turning point in my life.
It is easy to be blissful while sitting in meditation in Bali. Now it is important to keep and maintain this state in the rhythm of the city and routine.

Dana, Head of Companies

Aigana, good evening! Touching message 😍🙏 The knowledge gained, the energy, the filling, and the support, it all helps and supports 🙏 Realizing your power and love 🙏 Thank you G-d for bringing me to you, Aigana, and thank you for meeting cool girls 😘😘

Alia, movie producer

Bring your inner child with you. With its curiosity, with its desire to touch, feel and live everything. Be honest and open to everything new, unfamiliar - to the miracle.



If you are unable to find the type of vacation you want on our website, please contact us and we will help arrange a customized trip for you.

Анкета участника йога ретрита "7 ключей состояния"
Совсем скоро мы встретимся с вами на йога ретрите «7 ключей состояния».

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